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VIDEO Badminton Double Rotation Tutorial - How To Rotate in the Attack Part 1

VIDEO How To Learn Trickshots in Badminton - Part 1 - Part 2

VIDEO Badminton Technique - Develop short Badminton racquet movements in the front court

 VIDEO Badminton Technique - How to learn Badminton Feint Shots

VIDEOS Interval Training in Badminton - Strength and Endurance Circuits

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           Trickshots                 Footwork at the Net       Footwork-Progression          Warming Up

Diemo Ruhnow's Badminton Coaching - THE ENGLISH Badminton-Site

Click through one of the best free Badminton ressources on the World Wide Web. Diemo Ruhnow's Badminton Training delivers everything you need to improve your or your players game. You will find a ton of tips and tricks about tecnique, how to hit and run on the court, important thoughts about tactic, how to do hints on strength and conditioning training and much much more ... all delivered by world class Badminton performance coaches.

Navigate yourselves succesfull through Diemo Ruhnow's Badminton Coaching Website!

This site is a new, awesome and completely free platform of information, not only for Badminton coaches but also for ambitious Badminton athletes as well as recreational Badminton players - it also serves as platform about Badminton equipment, seminares and training camps from different professionals throughout the world of Badminton.

The site contains two different global sections:

On the left site the different section of coaching and training contents is split up into the different categories "Basics", "Technique", "Tactic", "Strength", "Conditioning" and "Mental" - there you will find tons of information about how to elavate your or your athletes Badminton performance.

BASICS - Basic Techniques, Exercises, Warm Up - Programs, Games, Badminton Vocabulary, Rules and all the basic things you need to know about playing and coaching Badminton...

TECHNIQUE - Badminton Technique  - Strokes and Running Technique, Forehand, Backhand, Change of Grip, Deceptive Shots, Defensive Work, Real Professional Example Sessions and more...

TACTIC - Tactic for Singles, for Doubles, for Mixed, How to Position, Special Tactic Exercises, Tactical Thoughts from Professional Coaches and Players...

STRENGTH - Thoughts, Ideas and Facts about Strength Training in Badminton, real Professional Programs from Elite Badminton Athletes, Programs for Beginners and Recreational Players...

CONDITIONING - Thoughts, Ideas and Facts about Conditioning in Badminton, real Professional Programs from Elite Badminton Athletes, Programs for Beginners and Recreational Players...

MENTAL - Useful Hints, Thoughts and Ideas about the Mental Aspect of the Game Badminton, Reframing Techniques, Goalsetting in Badminton and much more...

In the upper section you will find an overview over different equipment, useful for players as well as equipment for coaches. You will also find an overview about seminars and training camps of Diemo Ruhnow and other professional coaches, as well as an overwiew about this site's partners and also the shop belonging to this site containing more stuff to elevate your knowledge and your performance in the game of Badminton.

Enjoy the my site "Diemo Ruhnow's Badminton Coaching"
Your Diemo Ruhnow


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